The wider project objective is capacity building for education of professionals in applied statistics in Serbia by improving skills of experts in the relevant fields. Specific objectives are twofold: first, to develop and implement an interdisciplinary master curriculum in applied statistics in line with the existing European study programmes and according to the Bologna requirements at Serbian universities and second, to organize Life Long Learning programmes in applied statistics for already existing professionals in different fields of economy.
These objectives will be achieved through engagement of all five state universities of Serbia in cooperation with two prominent nonacademic partners, Republic Statistical Office and National Bank of Serbia, and 6 EU universities with vast experience in applied statistics. The principal outcomes will be the development of the master programme in applied statistics at Serbian universities, development of methodology and implementation of the programme as well as established LLL courses for professionals.
The project will provide a framework for upgrade of human and infrastructural potential necessary to achieve these goals through teacher training, acquisition of software and books, cooperation between universities as well as cooperation with non-academic partners and transfer of knowledge and experience. Well trained professionals in the vast area of applications of statistics are of great importance for economic and social development of Serbia. Participation of all state Serbian universities and the main official producers of statistical data as nonacademic partners in this project will generate a significant impact on the national level while the EU partners will provide experience and know-how necessary for fast and successful achievements of the project’s goals. Sustainability of the project results will provide a permanent impact on the national level.