Workshop in Methodology of Teaching Statistics
December 13-14, 2011
Andreja Tepavčević
Information on Tempus project results
Tamas Rudas
Statistics education in countries without statistics
Janez Stare
Teaching wrong is wrong teaching
Susana Montes
An intuitive approach for the teaching of statistics
Vladimir Janiš
Hypothesis testing
Andrej Blejec
Teaching statistical concepts with simulated data
David Simon
Teaching statistics after introducing the Bologna system: a case study of an old-new master
Antonio Lucadamo
An overview of most common Statistical packages for data analysis
Branimir Šešelja
Preliminary teaching experience with the new study programme
Tanja Jevremov
Petar Milin
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall: Teaching Statistics for the Social Sciences
Jovanka Vukmirović
Primenjena statistika u istraživanjima javnog mnjenja, tržista i medija